Below is what a Doctor specializing in School Shootings have to say about MJ Safety Solutions bulletproof backpacks;
Sailsbury, MD 21801 August 15 2007 Child Violence Expert Comments on This Frightening RealitySALISBURY, M.D., Aug. 16, 2007—It began with Columbine in 1999, and most recently the tragedy at Virginia Tech reminds parents that sending kids back to school may mean saying goodbye forever. With the recent release of a bulletproof backpack, designed by two Massachusetts fathers to be used by children as a last resort defense against similar shootings, child violence expert Kathryn Seifert, Ph.D. says every parent should buy a "My Child's Pack" to protect their children."In this day and age, with everything that's going on, I think a bulletproof backpack is absolutely necessary," says Dr. Seifert, who has over 30 years of experience in mental health, corrections, and forensics. "That's just the reality of our times. But at the same token, I think it is very sad that this is what our society has come to."Yet Dr. Seifert says the My Child's Pack, which costs $175, is a reactionary safeguard, and that there are many other preemptive steps parents and authority can take to assure guns are not toted to school in the first place. "I'd like to see people spend as much and more money on violence prevention and treatment to bring these children back from the verge so that they are no longer dangerous," says Dr. Seifert, Founder and CEO of Eastern Shore Psychological Services, which specializes in treating children.This begins, says Dr. Seifert, by looking for warning signs of abuse, neglect, withdrawal, bullying, deviant peer group, and other risk factors, intervening, and providing the appropriate treatment to the troubled youth.In her award-winning book How Children Become Violent: Keeping Your Kids out of Gangs, Terrorist Organizations, and Cults (Acanthus 2007), written for parents and therapists, Dr. Seifert explains her theory of Disrupted Attachment Patterns (DAP). DAP is the inability to form empathy for others because early attachment to caregivers was thwarted or dysfunctional. DAP forms in childhood, and, if not assessed or treated, can be expressed in the willingness to hurt others in the future. The book also discusses Dr. Seifert's own violence assessment, the CARE: Child and Adolescent Risk Evaluation (Seifert, 2003). The CARE is the only proven scientific tool of its kind that can identify dangerous youth as young as 4 years old and the services needed to prevent future violence.To learn more about Dr. Seifert, please visit her website: To schedule an interview, please contact Carolyn McKibbin at 617-230-4886.Carolyn McKibbin ( Senior Editor The Ictus Initiative 343 Commercial St Boston, MS 02109 Phone : 617-230-4886 Book Title : How Children Become Violent: Keeping Your Kids out of Gangs, Terrorist Organizations, and Cults Journalists - Click here for a Review Copy of How Children Become Violent: Keeping Your Kids out of Gangs, Terrorist Organizations, and Cults Order How Children Become Violent: Keeping Your Kids out of Gangs, Terrorist Organizations, and Cults from Amazon Contact Kathryn Seifert, Ph.D. Ask a question with InterviewNetSM
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